Thursday, October 2, 2014

Day 10 of my 30-Day Blogging Challenge for teachers from

Here is the link to the site with the 30-day challenge.

I know that technically the 30 day challenge is over, but seeing that I started late I think I can get a pass on this one; plus I really want to see this through. 

Day 10: 
Share 5 random facts about yourself
Share 4 things from your bucket list. 
Share 3 things that you hope for this year, as a "person" or an educator. 
Share 2 things that have made you laugh or cry as an educator
Share 1 thing you wish people knew about you. 

Share 5 random facts about yourself

  1. I really have no vowels in my last name. That is not a typo. It is Czech and means wold. A kid once told me that when he searched, "Vlk" on Google Images, all he got was pictures of wolves. I did't have the heart to tell him that is creepy that he was searching me on Google Images. 
  2. I really want to be s superhero. I have even looked this up on Google. (Still haven't found an the way) Although I do like t0 act, "manly" when I am coaching, I am still a kid at heart. 
  3. I KNEW NOTHING ABOUT TECHNOLOGY 10 years ago. In fact, I was afraid of it. I actually had a goal set for myself to get really organized during my first few years of teaching so I could handout the same worksheets for the next 30 years. THANK GOD I realized that would be a horrible existence. 
  4. I originally wanted to be a middle school teacher, but after doing it for a year I knew that was not the path I wanted to follow. I actually almost quit teaching all together after 1 year. 
  5. I can wear any shoe sizes 10.5-11.5. 

Share 4 things from your bucket list. 
This one seems tough. Heck....I am only 33 years old. 
  1. I want to go skydiving
  2. I want to go Rocky Mountain Climbing
  3. I want to go 2.7 seconds on a bull named fumanchu
  4. I want to love deeper
  5. I want to give forgiveness I have been denying. 

Share 3 things that you hope for this year, as a "person" or an educator. 
  1. Become a father
  2. Kick butt at my new job. 
  3. Win some football games. 

Share 2 things that have made you laugh or cry as an educator
  1. Sweets before sweets (Inside joke with @The English Chef@jeffgrybash)
  2. No one instance I can think of, but lots of laughs in the classroom over the past 2 years. I actually started a collection of ridiculous assignments that I have received over the years and hope to publish a book one day. 

Share 1 thing you wish people knew about you. 
  1. I wish people knew how funny I am. I think I am hilarious. My wife and friends all disagree, but I firmly believe that I am one of the finniest people I know. :-)

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