Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Day 24 of my 30-Day Blogging Challenge for teachers from

Here is the link to the site with the 30-day challenge.

Day 24

Which learning trend captures your attention the most, and why? (Mobile learning, project-based learning, game-based learning, etc.) 

Even though I am the Technology Facilitator at my school, I still think that I may fall on the "old-school" side of this one. 

I am a huge fan of mobile learning, as I do think it offers students access to an unlimited amount of information. However, I am not completely sold on game-based learning yet. Now, I do not want others to think that I am being a curmudgeon about this; but game-based learning is the one that captures my attention the most, simply because I do not know as much about it as I do mobile and project-based learning.  

We have teachers in our building who are doing some great things with apps like Kahoot that allows them to play live, interactive classroom-based learning games with their students. However, I still wonder how these games have an effect on the actual learning in the classroom. I know that the teachers who use Kahoot do a phenomenal job of trying change up the class and keep their kids engaged, but I will be interested to see how they feel Kahoot as affected the overall classroom/learning experience for the kids and if there is solid data to support that. 

I am usually the first one to jump on different bandwagons, but this is one that makes me cautious. I guess the jury is still out on this one!! 

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